5 Basic Exercises That Every Fitness Lover Must Know

These five moves that are fitness all-in-ones are something every fitness lover must know. These exercises have somehow-made their place in every single fitness DVD, workout class, and on-the-go routine ever formed. So after reading this blog, there are chances that are you're going to do bur-pees and push-ups again soon, whether you like them or not. Also remember, they only work when you do them right. That's why it's even more important to understand and follow the proper form.
The Personal fitness trainer in dubai  highly recommend these exercises because of the overall benefits. The best part about these 5 basic exercises is that they’re all-in-one kind of a routine. They cover all of your muscle-strengthening and body-toning benefits so make them a part of your routine now.

1.   High Planks
Begin with your knees and hands on the ground. Your hands and knees should be at a distance of your shoulder-width keeping the knees under hips and hands under shoulders. Next, pick your knees up the ground and take a step back, getting your body to full extension. The idea is to form one straight line that joins your shoulders, hips, and ankles.Go forward through the crown of your head and back through your heels. Place your chin about six inches in front of your lower bodyand aim to keep your spine and neck in a neutral posture.Remember, keeping your core firm is the key here. Tense up your quads, involve your abdominals, and push hard through your palms. Keep your hips raised and remember to breathe!

2.   Burpees
Keep your feet hip-distance apart and stand up. Next, get your palms to the ground and jump your feet back to get into the high plank position. Also, keep your core firm and your hips lifted. Now, work your elbows to do a push-up and return to high plank. Now throw your feet to the outsides of your hands and jump up as high as you can by reaching your arms overhead.Burpees are incredibly helpful way of maintaining fitness, for women too.

3.   Push-Ups
Begin with a high plank position and put your palms underneath your shoulders or somewhat wider. Bend elbows to lower torso toward the ground and keep your core firm. Keep your hips lifted until your chest lowers.After going as low as you can, push through your palms to flatten your arms.

4.   Body-weight Squats
Begin by standing with your feet a little away than hip-width, with your feet turned about 5-15 degrees out. Bend your knees to lower into a squat after hinging your hips back toward a wall.Keep your chest upright and let the heels bear all your weight. Aim to put your knees in-line with your feet. Then, go as low as you can and push through your heels to come back to the standing position.
5.   Reverse Lunges
Begin with a standing position. Keep your feet at about shoulder-width distance. Inhale while you step back with your right foot. Then, keep your heel off the floor and land on the ball of your right foot.Now, bend your knees forming 90-degree angle with your each leg. Your left shin should be vertical to the ground and your left knee should beweighted above your left ankle. Try to have your back knee balance about 4-6 inches off the floor. Get low! Aim to have your shoulders exactly above your hips and your chest straight. Press through your front heel to return to standing position by pushing off with your back foot. Fitness Coach in dubai, recommend reverse lunges as a great way to shed weight.
